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"Healing sessions with ila ji helped me overcome depression, anxiety and cyst."
"Healing sessions with ila ji helped my paralytic patient be happier, less aggressive and move his right leg."
"I had not given exam for 2 years. Healing sessions with ila ji helped relive my exam stress."
"I had major weight gain post delivery. Rajlaxmi helped me to become more committed to exercise and give my health a priority. I am losing 700gm a week, without tough diets, no powders and no tablets. The exercise videos given are very good with very good follow ups. I am super happy with my decision to join ila, I would recommend her for her sincerity, results and knowledge."
"I was overweight after an injury. Ila helped me lose 5-10 kgs weight safely and healthily, yet fast. I have lost 1 to 2kg per week consistent weight loss, when I follow ila's protocol. I feel more energetic and productive. My wife is happy with my weight loss. Those who want to be fit from home, healthily, without spending heftily on powders and tablets, etc. must join ila's coaching."
"I have been obese since many years now. Ila's Protocol gave me a customised exercise program with nutrition consultancy recommendations which never let you feel low on energy. My best was losing 1.9 kgs in 10 days flat. And, i continue to lose. Yes, i would recommend ila for her authenticity, empowering one with the necessary knowledge and a scientific, strong base of knowledge."